Nervousness kicks in, and you know you'd reject yourself if you were her, so you just give up before even talking to her. You don't even know what to say to her, anyway.
Does this sound at all like something you're familiar with?
First of all, you should know that:
1. All guys feel anxious when approaching women, especially beautiful ones.
2. Most guys will never approach the women they desire because they're so afraid.
So what will make you succeed where those other guys fail? What you do to conquer your fear.
For most guys, this fear keeps them from achieving not just success with women, but success in every aspect of their lives. Career, social life, hobbies... everything. Fear is a paralyzing element that keeps them from success.
But you can overcome it. Here's how.
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Realize that your fear comes from inside you, not from women. If you're worried about being rejected, you're focused on getting the girl's number or a date or something.
Instead of having that outcome in mind, try it this way: forget about getting her number, and have your only plan be to talk to her.
Here's why I recommend this method. I used to have a lot of trouble with shyness around women. I had no idea how to improve confidence with women, or how to just get past that initial "Freeze-up" that happened when I wanted to talk to a girl.
I was fortunate enough to make friends with a guy who had this same problem. His name is John Alexander, and he wrote a whole book about overcoming shyness.
To overcome shyness, he told me, you have to talk to everyone. Not just women - old people, young people, men, women, regular people on the street, attractive girls, ugly girls... etc. And when you talk to them, you get past your anxiety.
He said, if you want to make it an instant thing to approach a woman, and not have to feel that fear anymore, you need to first get comfortable talking to as many people as possible.
So to summarize:
1. Socialize just for the sake of doing it. The more you do it, the easier it will get to approach women.
2. Learning how to improve confidence with women only comes with time and practice. The more you talk to them, the more experience you get - and the higher your chances of success.
3. Practice easing physical tension in your body when you're nervous.
Download the first chapters of How to Become An Alpha Male free
Realize that your fear comes from inside you, not from women. If you're worried about being rejected, you're focused on getting the girl's number or a date or something.
Instead of having that outcome in mind, try it this way: forget about getting her number, and have your only plan be to talk to her.
Here's why I recommend this method. I used to have a lot of trouble with shyness around women. I had no idea how to improve confidence with women, or how to just get past that initial "Freeze-up" that happened when I wanted to talk to a girl.
I was fortunate enough to make friends with a guy who had this same problem. His name is John Alexander, and he wrote a whole book about overcoming shyness.
To overcome shyness, he told me, you have to talk to everyone. Not just women - old people, young people, men, women, regular people on the street, attractive girls, ugly girls... etc. And when you talk to them, you get past your anxiety.
He said, if you want to make it an instant thing to approach a woman, and not have to feel that fear anymore, you need to first get comfortable talking to as many people as possible.
So to summarize:
1. Socialize just for the sake of doing it. The more you do it, the easier it will get to approach women.
2. Learning how to improve confidence with women only comes with time and practice. The more you talk to them, the more experience you get - and the higher your chances of success.
3. Practice easing physical tension in your body when you're nervous.
Download the first chapters of How to Become An Alpha Male free
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